Learn Dutch: Essential phrases for your Amsterdam getaway

In all honesty, it’s unlikely that you’ll need to speak anything other than English while you’re in Amsterdam. But it never hurts to make an effort. These Dutch words and phrases may be useful; note that menus are nearly always multilingual.

Words and phrases


yes ja

no nee

please alstublieft

(no) thank you (nee) dank u/bedankt

Approximately 23 million people around the world speak Dutch as a first language.

hello hallo/dag

good morning goedemorgen

good afternoon goedemiddag

good evening goedenavond

goodbye tot ziens

do you speak English? spreekt u Engels?

I don’t understand Ik begrijp het niet

women/men vrouwen/mannen

children kinderen

Explore Amsterdam

This picturesque, hip city has something for everyone, from beautiful canals and architecture to fascinating museums and galleries. Enjoy coffee and culture with a city break in Amsterdam.



0 nul





5 vijf

6 zes

7 zeven

8 acht

9 negen

10 tien

11 elf

12 twaalf

13 dertien

14 veertien

15 vijftien

16 zestien

17 zeventien

18 achttien

19 negentien

20 twintig

21 een en twintig

22 twee en twintig

30 dertig

40 veertig

50 vijftig

60 zestig

70 zeventig

80 tachtig

90 negentig

100 honderd

101 honderd een

1000 duizend

Menu Reader


boterham/broodje sandwich/roll

brood bread

dranken drinks

eieren eggs

erwtensoep/snert pea soup with bacon or sausage

groenten vegetables

hoofdgerechten main courses

kaas cheese

Fun fact: The word ‘waffle’ comes from the Dutch word ‘wafel’. Coleslaw, cookie, gherkin and gin are also words that come from Dutch.

nagerechten desserts

patates/frites chips/French fries

stokbrood French bread

suiker sugar

uitsmijter ham or cheese with eggs on bread

vis fish

vlees meat

voorgerechten starters

vruchten fruit

biefstuk (hollandse) steak

biefstuk (duitse) hamburger

fricandel frankfurter-like sausage

spek bacon

worst sausage

garnalen prawns

haring herring

makreel mackerel

mosselen mussels

paling eel

schelvis haddock

schol plaice

tong sole

zalm salmon

aardappelen potatoes

bonen beans

hutspot mashed potatoes and carrots

rijst rice

sla salad, lettuce

zuurkool sauerkraut

appelgebak apple tart or cake

ijs ice cream

koekjes biscuits

pannekoeken pancakes

poffertjes small pancakes, fritters

(slag)room (whipped) cream

stroopwafels waffles

vla custard


bessenjenever blackcurrant gin

droog dry

frisdranken soft drinks

jenever Dutch gin

karnemelk buttermilk

koffie coffee

koffie verkeerd coffee with warm milk

kopstoot beer with a jenever chaser

melk milk

pils Dutch beer

proost! cheers!

sinaasappelsap orange juice

thee tea

vruchtensap fruit juice

wijn (wit/rood/rosé) wine (white/red/rosé)

vieux Dutch brandy

zoet sweet

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