Cheap flights from Prague to Burgas

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Flights to Burgas from Prague

Cheap flights from Prague to Burgas from £122. Prague (Czech Republic) - Burgas (Bulgaria) return flights from £289. From 18/07/2025 (Friday) - 25/07/2025 (Friday). Check for the dates with the lowest prices and find the cheapest rates.

Cheap flights from Václav Havel to Burgas

Find cheap flights from Václav Havel to Burgas now.

Direct flights from Prague to Burgas

Book direct flights from Prague to Burgas for a smooth journey.

Flights from Prague to Burgas one way

Find one-way flights from Prague to Burgas at great prices.

Cheapest flights from Prague to Burgas

Get the cheapest flights from Prague to Burgas today.

FAQs Prague to Burgas flights


Can I combine different airlines on the same trip?


Of course. We offer you the possibility of booking with more than 400 airlines so that you can find the cheapest fare or the most convenient combination: outbound flight with one airline and return flight with another.

Is a trustworthy travel brand?


What options are there if I have to change my flight?


I am afraid to lose my luggage, every time I fly. What can I do?


What are the cheapest flights from Prague to Burgas?


How many airports are there in the city of Prague?


How many airports does the city of Burgas have?


Which Burgas airport is the most central?
